Zarmash Gardiwal

Computer Science Department

 Computer Science Department has been operating for ten years. The curriculum of this Department has 143 credits, 17 to 21 of which are taught in each semester. Computer Science Department also consists of an Academic Council which works directly under the supervision of the dean of the Faculty and head of the Department to update the contents of the curriculum, boost the level of teaching, resolve the students' problems and make fundamental decisions about the Faculty. In addition, Academic Council has the authority to change the contents of the curriculum, add necessary and essential new topics and omit unnecessary ones. The subjects that are taught selectively in the seventh and eighth semesters are selected by the mentioned Council and new topics are added to it based on the need for new technology.





Mr. Zarmash Gardiwal is a Dean, Faculty of Computer Science at SALAM University. He is a graduate of Computer Science from Nangarhar University in 2013 and holds MS in Information Security from Riphah International University, Islamabad.

Zarmash Gardiwal
Cell: +93 77 240 30 11
Email: cs.dean@salam.edu.af

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