Judiciary and Prosecution Department
The bachelor's degree program of Law Department is the first law degree course in the system of higher education. The aim of this department is to educate and train experts at national and international level in the field of judiciary based on the Afghan legal system and international legal standards in order to meet the legal needs of society, legal institutions and the judicial and the private sectors.
The Department of Law of Faculty of Law & Political Science, educates and presents expert academic cadres to the community through teaching and research in the fields of judiciary and prosecution so that they can serve the people in this field properly.
The Department of Law wants to draw students' attention to the judicial phenomena of the current era and guides them by using the modern and developing methods of teaching and research. In addition, it aims to prepare students to compete in the job market.
General need for this department at the national level
Every society requires discipline, law and apt administration. In fact, these needs are achievable through having competent judges, prosecutors, lawyers and legal advisers of public and private institutions at the national and international levels. Thus, educating the workforce and specialists to achieve high positions by getting quality education in the field of law, are considered a necessity of any society. Therefore, the Department of Law was established as a field of study in the Faculty of Law and Political Science in 2011 with extensive facilities based on the needs of the country.
According to the principles governing society, preserving the highest interests of the country, strengthening national unity, commitment to improve the quality and quantity of academic and applied legal education, application of internationally accepted standards in the academic environment, generalization of responsibility, the following basic values have been noticed:
1- Respect for Islamic and national values.
2- Improvement of the essence of national unity, convergence and enhancement of political stability.
3- Respect for human dignity, generalization of justice, equality and legality.
4- Higher education with quality and standards commensurate with the needs of society and the job market.
5- The principle of accountability and legalism.
6- Perfect, effective and efficient administration.
Specialized Fields of This Department:
Graduates of the Department of Law can continue their studies in one of the following specialized fields:
1- Public law
2 - Private law
3 - Criminal law and criminology
4 - International Law
5- Fundamental rights
Introduction to the Department of Political science
The Department of Political Science is one of the most important departments of the Faculty of Law and Political Science which has been operating since the establishment of the Faculty and has got sufficient teaching facilities, some of which are mentioned below:
Most of the academic cadre members of the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Law and Political Science hold master’s degrees from domestic and foreign international universities and have sufficient professional experience. The University always makes great efforts to improve the quality, quantity, standardization and systematization of the activities of the Faculty of Law and Political Science in order to introduce it as reliable, standard, honest, authentic and service-oriented educational body at the level of governmental and non-governmental educational institutions of the country by presenting quality and standard teaching activities.
Vision and Mission
The Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Law & Political Science educates and presents expert academic cadres to the community through teaching and research in the fields of Political Science so that they will have the competence to serve the people in this field properly.
The Department of Political Science wants to draw students' attention to the political phenomena of the current era and guides them by using the modern and developing methods of teaching and research. In addition, it aims to prepare students to compete in the job market.
Objectives of the Department of Political Science:
1- Promoting the academic level of students and educating expert and committed cadres in the field of political science.
2- Conducting academic and professional research in the fields of political science.
3- Making the young generation Aware of important local, regional and global political events through seminars and conferences.
4- Educating cadres who can take responsibility in political and legislative institutions.
5- Educating specialists who address the political needs of the society and make suggestions to solve them.
6- Presenting the graduates who can be the source of service in promoting the political culture.
This department has sufficient eligible and experienced professors in all its segments, and if the number of new students increases, it will also increase number of professors.
Currently, the total number of professors in this department reaches (42). Four of them are permanent and the remaining (38) are full-time and part-time contract professors.
Furthermore, out of the above-mentioned professors, (29) are masters and (11) others are bachelors.