Message of Sympathy and Reassurance

It is with profound sadness that we share the news of the passing of Mr. Abdullah Sadiq's beloved father. On behalf of Salam University, we extend our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathies to Mr. Sadiq and his family during this difficult time.

Losing a loved one is an immense loss, and our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Sadiq and his family as they navigate through this period of grief and mourning. As members of the Salam University community, let us offer our support, comfort, and strength to Mr. Sadiq and his family as they come to terms with their loss.

In accordance with Islamic tradition, we pray for the departed soul's peaceful rest and for patience and solace for the bereaved family. May Allah (SWT) grant Mr. Sadiq's father forgiveness, mercy, and eternal peace in the hereafter, and may He provide Mr. Sadiq and his family with the fortitude and resilience to bear this loss with patience and grace.

In honoring Mr. Sadiq's father's memory, let us unite in offering prayers and support to our colleague and friend during this challenging time. May the memories of his father's love, wisdom, and guidance bring comfort and solace to Mr. Sadiq and his family in the days ahead.

With deepest sympathy and solidarity,